Signages Along the Pathways of Life

As I travel the road, I see a lot of things, people and incidents, along with experiences that helped me understand things better. These made me slow down and sometimes stopped to look and ponder. Some are annoying, others amusing. But in every detail of the story there is a lesson to learn which I would like to share in the different topics and articles based on real incidents somewhere in this site.

Quoted from the Home page.

Here are some of the quotes that came up along the way as I travel the so-called “Paths of Humanity”. Some I coined as I encounter related events. More coming up as I remember or see them.

  • Don’t burn a bridge that you might need to cross later in your dire moment.
  • If you try to get rid of those who rock the boat to fix a legitimate problem, it will sink even sooner than you’ve expected.
  • One teacher said, “Tech people are die-hard on Apple, and I’m die-hard on Apple.” Yet he moans the whole day on a computer that needs a 3-minute reboot.
  • You can measure a close friend’s loyalty by his/her loyalty to his former close friend with whom he had friction.
  • Advertisement can only go as far as the quality of your product.
  • Advertisement is only as good as the quality of your product. Clients may initially patronize your products and services but will soon leave you as they find out.
  • Don’t explain a common sense thing to someone who always look for a written law or instruction on something discretionary as he will just consider your words as unworthy of attention and tells you not to go beyond what is written. (Similar and even better words by Jesus Christ at Matthew 7:6)
  • If you are/have an institution that people started looking up to, you have become a rainbow that they started chasing. Don’t let them use and manipulate you to reach their own rainbows.
  • There will be people who will always hate you no matter how you struggle to be better. There will always be those waiting, and even manipulate events, for you to stumble and fall to satisfy their own notions of you. And sadly, some of them are the ones you thought were the closest to you. But there are people who look up to you and believe in you. It is those people you should focus on. Life is short and don’t waste it focusing on the wrong things and wrong people.


Posted in Humanity.

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